Oak Hills Christian College Recognized for Quality, Affordable Distance Learning

AffordableCollegesOnline.org (AC Online) recently analyzed online degree programs from more than 2,000 accredited colleges and universities across the nation. According to their research, Oak Hills Christian College "offers an exceptional collection of distance learning options at a very affordable price. This combination of quality, affordability, and flexibility earned [Oak Hills] college a place on [their] list of the Online Colleges in Minnesota That Win on Affordability.
You can view Oak Hill’s placement on the following page:
Online Colleges in Minnesota That Win on Affordability
According to Dan Schuessler, CEO of AffordableCollegesOnline.org (AC Online), "Distance learning from today’s best colleges and universities helps students receive a top-notch education while they take care of family and work responsibilities. What’s more, institutions that make quality distance learning affordable show clear commitment to student success and therefore deserve special recognition."