Friday, February 15, 2013

Oak Hills Adult & Online Blogging NOW

Join the excitement as Oak Hills Christian College Adult & Professional Studies shares current news and issues regarding online education through the new OakHillsOnline Blogger. The growth in the OHCC Bachelor's Degree in Leadership and Ministry has been slow and steady. In addition to the six students who started in the first term, we welcome Trevor, just moving into a new pastoral position in central Minnesota.

Today we share the profile of one of our first students, Kenny May. Let's pray especially for him today.

Kenny and Alicia May have the best of all worlds! They moved recently from a large urban center “out west” to a small rural Minnesota town to raise a family and engage in starting an outreach recovery ministry for youth. In order to reach their goals they are both working, going to college and keeping engaged in their ministry and church. It is a busy life and only doable as Kenny pursues his Bachelor’s Degree in Leadership and Ministry through Oak Hills Online.  After his first course, Kenny says,

I am very pleased with the class!  It's looking like the workload is plenty bearable, which I hope follows suit on into my additional classes.  The format is clear and I appreciate the process of completing and submitting assignments ... painless!!  I believe that God is aligning the time needed for me to accomplish the courses ahead as well.  I am geared up and excited to continue this exploration in the vats of knowledge offered in this program.  

Working full-time. Engaged in ministry. Community, church,  home and family centered. The students in the Oak Hills adult & professional studies online program, like Kenny, are making a college education work for them.


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