Transition, Change, Learning
Seven -- is often cited for the number of career changes that someone might be expected to make during a lifetime. Upon investigation, the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( states:
"The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) never has attempted to estimate the number of times people change careers in the course of their working lives. The reason we have not produced such estimates is that no consensus has emerged on what constitutes a career change."
While the average number of career changes is unknown, we do know that all people will face times of uncertainty, struggle, and planned or unplanned change. Many transition points are natural junctions in life -- childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle career/family age, older adult, retirement. These transition points are often accompanied by the need and opportunity to learn.
The child of God learns to have confidence in God's leading at points of change and to view these as opportunities to prove his faithfulness. We learn to ask, "What is my part now in God's plan?"
Oak Hills Christian College provides higher education opportunities to Christians in transition. Online education programs can help adult learners step up to their future with confidence. New career, new ministry opportunities, second career, "finishers" -- whatever and wherever God leads, Oak Hills online is there to help with solid biblical studies, ministry and leadership courses, and general studies courses from a Christian perspective.
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