Recognize diversity, build unity - a leadership skill
"Diversity is God's creation, Unity is God's glory." This is a quote from one participant in a Supervisor Survival Skills Workshop, S. Sudan, recently sponsored and led by SIL International.
Whether missionaries, church leaders, business, education, or development workers in sub-Saharan Africa - all are well acquainted with issues of diversity. Issues include such things as multiple ethnic groups with long histories of inter-tribal relations, rural migration to urban centers, vastly differing educational and social backgrounds, differing religious backgrounds and commitments, and individual differences. "Diversity" may have a different flavor in other regions of the world than in the USA. The challenge in any location is to celebrate diversity, while building unity. What knowledge, what skills, and what attitudes does a leader need to do this well? A very partial list might include at least the following:
A good understanding of self.
The ability to listen actively.
The ability to dialogue.
Setting vision, strategies, and goals.
Defining roles and responsibilities, building accountability.
Flexibility and comfort when the "target" must move.
Understanding how people learn and how people change.
Patient drive and passion.
What characteristics would you add to this list? Comments are welcome!
posted by OakHills Online @ 11:19 AM
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